
Main news for 2 May 2024

Apostle Paul calls first of all the gift of God in this verse as the gift of Grace of the Holy Spirit, which makes people spiritually clairvoyants, capable of seeing what is good and bad, to distinguish and to choose between them. As consequence, man’s new life becomes a gift of God, and this man becomes a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. There is no place in it { the new life} for the works of the flesh as the apostle says in the epistle to Galatians, but there is a place for the works of the Spirit, which is the fulfillment of Christ’s commandments about love towards each other.

It’s particularly the acceptance of God’s Spirit through Baptism that gives to us the new life, because without it {the acceptance of God’s Spirit}, we are blind. Let’s take as parable, common presents that we receive in great quantities at our birthdays. If we receive something complex and quite unknown, then we would need to receive the instruction before using the present - otherwise this present will have no sense. The apostle tells us that, God gives us His Spirit so that we can see, how this new life is, and make use of it.

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